Trailer: The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15 (The Tower)

The last episode of this season until the special season finale later in the year has a new trailer to whet our appetite.

It looks as though Beta is ready to walk onto Alexandria for the final battle between the Whisperers and our survivors and Princess looks amazing.

I’m not sure why I’m so excited to have the Princess character enter the world of The Walking Dead. It may be because she is so wacky and colourful, like nothing else on the show, so she could bring a new dynamic to it. The comic book character didn’t exactly do much in terms of the storyline than some light-hearted relief. With so much negativity going on, she could be what the series needs. One things for sure, Paola Lazaro looks to be killing it!

Check out The Walking Dead on Fox Monday nights at 9pm and read my review of the episode over at once it goes live after the episode airs.

Is The End In Sight for The Walking Dead?

The Walking Dead comic series ended surprisingly in July last year. The Walking Dead TV series has very nearly caught up to that last issue, with only the story arc of the Commonwealth to go. Considering the TV series no longer has any of the big-name characters left who are vital to this particular storyline – Rick, Carl, Michonne – we can expect to see a new spin on it.

How though will that story end if it doesn’t have a Rick and it doesn’t have a Carl? We do have a Judith who could fill a slot, but are we expected to have Daryl become this new brave man, or Negan, or Carol? When you look at it, it is probably more fitting to have the Rick Grimes movies actually end the series, at least then you can have Rick Grimes, the actual character the comics and the TV series are centered around.

In an article over at WeGotThisCovered, there is further speculation that The Walking Dead will end after season twelve and honestly, that is probably about time. We have seen in the past how poorly the writers cope when trying to write original stories for these characters so eating up the last four volumes of the comics into two seasons works out about right.

This only relates to The Walking Dead, zombies will still live on in Fear The Waking Dead and A New World – at least for now.

The Walking Dead – Season 10 Finale Delayed

In a tweet sent out by The Walking Dead, the Coronavirus has impacted the season ten finale meaning that it cannot be finished in time to air.

Post production tends to involve visual effects, music and mixing and can tend to go on up to three weeks before the episode is due to air.

This is very disappointing news, especially since this season has been so enjoyable with episode after episode of incredible content. The finale was sure to be fantastic. But with our own virus to defeat, we will have to wait.