Season 10 Rating Overview

All of The Walking Dead reviews I write for get given a rating out of 10. Even though the season finale is still yet to air, because we don’t know when that will happen, I thought I would give you a graphical representation of the season so far.

The average rating for the season so far is 7.73 / 10. That’s a good score, but considering I have been saying the season has been full of “big-feel” and “season-finale-like” episodes, that rating doesn’t sound like it suggests that.

It is brought down dramatically by episode 8, The World Before, which was the mid-season finale. It was let down by a feeling that we’d done all this before and some bad character choices that felt more like they were done to get the story where it needed to be rather than those characters being forced to do something.

In fact, the run took a slip after episode 5, What It Always Is, the Negan centric one that saw the character wrestle with his past.

It should be noted that I am both a harsh critic and a realist. I don’t give out high ratings for the sake of it or clickbait. Rating something 8 is, in my opinion, very good. The 9 rating is excellent – which was given to Michonne’s final episode. I very rarely give out top marks unless the episode has been exceptional, and nothing this season so far has. I also rate based on my experience and across the series as a whole. So hopefully, over the course of the series, episodes will be able to be compared with one another on a solid basis. Look out for my series so far ratings coming soon.

When the finale airs I will update the graph and we can see if the average rating can get closer to that 8.

Sneak Peek at the Season 10 Finale Reveals MAJOR SPOILER!


Although I can’t find it released through any official channels, a number of reputable Walking Dead YouTube fan accounts have posted a sneak peek from the season ten finale – A Certain Doom. I’m not going to link or embed the video, it’s easy enough to Google if you so wish.

The only thing I have to say about it is, “why”?

These sneak peeks have been happening all season, usually aired on Talking Dead and contain the opening minutes of the episode. When the sneak peek for Walk With Us was released, it almost spoilt the episode, as it practically revealed the entire, intense, battle at Hilltop. The sneak peek for the finale reveals another HUGE SPOILER and it left me frustrated and annoyed that I watched it.

I understand that ratings need boosting and fans need to be encouraged to return or to watch, but don’t give away MAJOR plot points or deaths or anything in teasers. Movie studios have been doing it for years, the art of the trailer has fallen by the wayside, with the best jokes, the best action sequences, all revealed in the trailer. Why bother watching it at all? Sky TV released a trailer for Avengers: Endgame when that was due to air on Sky Movies that contained a pretty major spoiler that was one of the key (and best) bits of the final battle. It saddens me.

It might be easy to say “just don’t watch then”, but when it is plastered across social media, the title cards on YouTube reveal the SPOILER in question, it is hard to avoid. I’m a Walking Dead fan account, I need to interact with you, the community. If I blocked every keyword that might spoil the episode I wouldn’t be able to do that. Marketing should be better. Sure, tease the episode, give us a sneak peek at a scene, but don’t spoil the blasted thing.

While the sneak peek from Walk With Us did contain almost the entirety of the Battle of Hilltop, the episode went on and delivered some astonishing moments and was one of the best episodes of the season. Hopefully, the finale can follow suit and just because we’ve seen one thing, doesn’t mean it’s spoiled the entire episode.

Trailer: The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 16 (A Certain Doom)

The Walking Dead’s tenth season finale may be delayed, but that doesn’t stop AMC from whetting our appetite with this teaser for, what looks to be, an epic conclusion.

Finally, it looks as though the survivors are going to use the Whisperers tricks for their benefit and sneak out of the tower dressed in the blood and masks of the undead. I never understood why someone hadn’t done this already to get close enough to the Whisperers to either take them out one by one, or at least knock off Alpha when she poops in the woods.

AMC have teased us that maybe not everyone will survive the finale, they’ve done this before. If I were a betting man, I think I’ll put death at Father Gabriel’s (Seth Gilliam) door. But that does mean Rosita (Christian Serratos) is going to be on her own to raise Coco.

Check out The Walking Dead on Fox Monday nights at 9pm and read my review of the episode over at once it goes live after the episode airs.

Trailer: The Walking Dead Season 10 Episode 15 (The Tower)

The last episode of this season until the special season finale later in the year has a new trailer to whet our appetite.

It looks as though Beta is ready to walk onto Alexandria for the final battle between the Whisperers and our survivors and Princess looks amazing.

I’m not sure why I’m so excited to have the Princess character enter the world of The Walking Dead. It may be because she is so wacky and colourful, like nothing else on the show, so she could bring a new dynamic to it. The comic book character didn’t exactly do much in terms of the storyline than some light-hearted relief. With so much negativity going on, she could be what the series needs. One things for sure, Paola Lazaro looks to be killing it!

Check out The Walking Dead on Fox Monday nights at 9pm and read my review of the episode over at once it goes live after the episode airs.

The Walking Dead – Season 10 Finale Delayed

In a tweet sent out by The Walking Dead, the Coronavirus has impacted the season ten finale meaning that it cannot be finished in time to air.

Post production tends to involve visual effects, music and mixing and can tend to go on up to three weeks before the episode is due to air.

This is very disappointing news, especially since this season has been so enjoyable with episode after episode of incredible content. The finale was sure to be fantastic. But with our own virus to defeat, we will have to wait.